i smell sex and candy

so who's the party girl who messes with the boys in the bar in The Virgins' new video for "Rich Girls," teasing them in Agent Provacateur lingerie? behati prinsloo!

word is that victoria's secret is trying to make her the new Gisele, however odd that may be. she's only a Pink model, and she's not an Angel, so maybe the rumors are just rumors. and i thought Miranda Kerr was Gisele's replacement? who knows, we'll see.

i just visited the doctor a while ago and found out that i have strep throat. i had plans for tonight and tomorrow, but my mom keeps telling me to stay home, because it's contagious. the weather is gorgeous, the best it's been in nearly two weeks, and i'm staying in. i have the strongest urge to sip on iced tea while laying back in a lounge chair on the balcony of one of those houses on the beach. not to mention that the sun sets in an hour or two, and i love the sky during twilight.

and yet here i am, talking about behati prinsloo. i don't even have any music playing.

photos: fashionologie


Gloria said...

yeah, I agree...she's not quite right, but I think she did a good job in the vid.

Charlotte said...

new Giselle? Sorry but I do not think so...