the temperature's too hot for tea

i'm sure you know agyness deyn. you know, that british model with the blonde pixie cut who likes to mismatch her clothes? she's done a collaboration with the five o'clock heroes; her voice isn't bad, and it's surprisingly quite relaxing to listen to. the video for the song, called "Who," can be watched here. the artist behind aggy's make-up is a genius.

models-of-the-moment seem to be digging indie bands these days (or vice versa). i'm enjoying it, actually. i wonder who's next? coco rocha, showing off her moves alongside, say, MGMT, maybe? 

then there's the supermodel + movie thing. heather, john, josh, and i saw "The Strangers" the other night. waste of $8; not because of gemma ward, who plays a dollface-masked serial killer (or stranger, rather), but because of the movie itself. i would have at least been satisfied with an explanation as to what was going on in the plot. 

as i was dressing up before i left, though, i realized that i haven't been shopping lately; i like wearing a variety of tops and shoes, and for the past month or so i've been in a rut. i've been living in gray tees and neutral-colored shorts that shrink in the laundry. hopefully, tomorrow will be a nice change since my mom is taking me shopping. stocking up on swimsuits is at the top of my list. it's not even summer yet, and i've hit the beach almost every single day for the past two weeks.

i love the sand.
i love the water, no matter how dirty it may be -- but i hate when girls complain about it. the ocean will never be clean. too bad!
i love busting my ass whenever i try to skimboard.
i love surf culture and music.
fuck, i'm gonna buy a house on the beach one day.

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