a cloudy saturday afternoon

spring's off to a decent start, its been a bit rainy lately (bad) but i haven't had to wear a jacket or a hoodie in a while (good). it's not at all humid and the breeze doesn't flow too soft or too hard. the weather's near perfect right now. and i've had a good week. i went to target to see if they had any of the jovovich-hawk peasant tops in stock, which they didn't except for one in a size L, but i still bought a pair of blue acid-wash drainpipes that only cost $20. acid-wash jeans are that kind of thing that are a hit or a miss ... in this case, they're a hit, and they're comfy, too. then my mom and i decided to cruise on over to a discount store and i scored this too faced make-up palette for like, $7. i also got my driver's license =D but nope, no car yet.

and i love how the transition between winter and spring brings warm days with cool winds, and i can drink hot tea and eat an ice cold mint chocolate chip sundae in like the same hour, without feeling like its too cold or too warm for either of them.

i've also watched Hollywoodland, the Black Dahlia, and Atonement (after reading the book ... it was depressing, i even cried a little, and i don't ever cry over books) and i realized how much i love the glamour of the '40s, the red lips and the winged liner and the deeply parted hair, and i understand Gwen Stefani's obsession with that era. you know, a lot of celebrities are following suit, i.e. Christina, Scarlett, etc. but still, Gwen does it best. looks like some designers are with me (and said celebrities):

betsey johnson, christian lacroix - both fall '08

ideas for prom. sweet.


molly said...

that last picture is kind of frightening...

millicent said...

yeah, its a little vampirey

EvaAmarri said...

I'm in love with the 40s too.