narcissism at its best

"beauty is observing the change in colors throughout the seasons." - gucci westman
my mind has always been affixed to beauty. it's a component of fashion, the icing on the cake. take a moment to ponder: would John Galliano's shows still be as eye-catching as they are now, if the models weren't sporting theatrical hairstyles or exaggerated makeup on the runway? and what's a color aficionado, i.e. Jeffree Star, to do without her (or his) shocking pink blush?

jeffree star, myspace pin-up queen and manic panic advocate

people of past generations famously argue that beauty is to be admired, to be taken in and cherished, before it's gone. but even so, with all my fascination surrounding the subject, you'd think i'd actually take their advice. let me fill you in on this: i have trouble remembering advice when i need it the most. i say i live the moment, embracing what is around me, but in actuality i'm busy repeating thoughts to myself, self-conscious, yet subconsciously acting as the anti-narcissist (or does that make me a narcissist?).

maybe i'll take another look around.
meanwhile, look at this and try not to drool.

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