superbowl ads + the eye

i'm one of those people who only watches the superbowl for the commercials. so here i am, in the den with my dad, and the pepsi max with ginseng commercial just came on, where everyone was dancing to "what is love." it was hilarious. see? the commercials are obviously the real reason why anyone watches. =)

i saw The Eye last night, and i'm glad i only paid $7 for my ticket. it could have been an actual horror movie if it wasn't for the ghosts popping up, like, every 3 seconds. Jessica Alba really hasn't been in any memorable movies lately (except Good Luck Chuck -- totally funny). i love the red printed jacket she's been wearing lately though:

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it does the job of making her baby bump less obvious while looking chic and sophisticated at the same time. but whose blue trucker hat is that? cash's, i presume? i mean .. i thought trucker hats were over.

speaking of movies, did anyone happen to catch the preview for Wanted, starring Angelina Jolie?

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