laziness is a virtue

so, the rounded corners on pictures thing got really annoying; back to normal ...

colors varied in the collections this past week in new york. muted or bold? neutral or neon? case in point: Scott Sternberg (Boy by Band of Outsiders) and Chris Benz.

boy by band of outsiders

Sternberg took the typical preppy schoolgirl's outfit and mixed it up with menswear, with plenty of dark grays and fur hats, which is why B.B.O. is now one of my favorite labels.

chris benz

yeah, these looks are a little more fitting for spring (just take out the hat and the coat), but i love the idea of a bright+neutral palette. very fitting for my neutral+pastel color taste, no?

oh and, what's with all the fur hats? i'm hoping two things: 1) that they're fake, and 2) that they won't become a big trend. my friend has the kind with the fur on the inside and the ear flaps, like in the second picture above, and that's enough for me.


Camilla said...

What a wonderful blog you've got here! Adding your link to my recent favourites ;)

Molly :] said...

I actually like furry hats.. not sure i'd be able to pull one off though!
I actually love your blog. Sure you can link me, i'll link you too :)